What is the mind/body connection?
Creative Wellness
is a lifestyle — encompassing body, mind and spirit.
It’s a natural and simple way of enhancing life and improving health.
The book, originally published in 1987 by Michelle Lusson, provides the science behind the mind-body connection through understanding the intricacies of the Human body’s Endocrine System, the impact of stress, and effects on personality.
The Mind/Body Connection is the intersection of personality & physical health.
Your Mind Body Relationship
Imagine you are in good physical condition. You are in touch with your own needs, you weigh exactly what you want to weigh. You are never overly fatigued or depressed, never have insomnia, high blood pressure, headaches, backaches, allergies, asthma, rashes, chronic stomach distress, or ulcers. You always feel in control, productive, and certain of your goals.
This may seem to describe the perfect person, but it could be you!
Most of us don’t realize how capable we are of tuning into ourselves and making an impact on our own health — or understand how stress affects our autoimmune responses. All the illnesses above can be caused by our reactions to stress. Stress, when in control, can affect one’s entire lifestyle adversely.
You have the power within yourself to conquer stress physically and emotionally. You can triumph over it by changing any destructive attitudes or behavior patterns in your personality. You can resist stress by having a good nutritional program, by personalizing an exercise regime, and by learning to use your natural sensitivity to strengthen your defenses. You can improve your mental and emotional health by knowing how to relax and how to enjoy your leisure time. All this and more can be accomplished by understanding yourself and who you are.
Creative Wellness is
“The Power of the Personality to Heal Self.”
Your Mind Body Connection
The most important aspect of the Creative Wellness Self-Improvement Program is that it focuses on you and your personal needs. It aids you in taking responsibility for your own health maintenance. For this reason, the key to Creative Wellness is understanding your personality and how it affects your health. Discovering your personality dynamics — how you act and react — is the first step to psychological health. Why? Because you have a fundamental mind/body connection.
Creative Wellness not only offers you a simple list of health improvement suggestions, it gives you a complete lifestyle program to follow. It will help you to stay balanced even when an unexpected stressful situation occurs. During these times it’s imperative that you know how to stay in control of yourself, body, mind, and spirit, for total health maintenance.